Thursday, July 31, 2014

The Color Choice

I am beyond giddy with joy. In about 2 hours…(thank you ATL traffic) I will see the results of my bathroom makeover. I wanted to share some before photos with you all.

You will now begin to empathize with me at disgust I feel every time I go into that space.
I have been contemplating this color choice for a while. As in true Libran form, I was vacillating between a hint of pink or more of a golden color.

The WINNER…310D-4 Gold Buff!

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Five Star Bathroom

My bathroom has been a thorn in my side since day one. It is so plain, demoralizing and the least bit tranquil. I am on a quest to revitalize the place I spend the most time. I spend a lot of hours grooming. I'm hoping the end result looks like I'm living in luxury hotel room.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Operation Revamp Condo

My condo has been the same since I've started decorating. The theme, "Urban Jungle", a sassy mix of city and wilderness.

I've had things I wanted to do throughout the space but never got around to it. Time to complete the mission!

Phase I...Paint Bathroom
Phase II...Add some color beside Grey and Black to my Bedroom
Phase be determined.

There's so much to do.

Non-Domesticated Goddess

I am a Libra, an Air Sign. Like my fellow Air Signs, Gemini and Aquarius, I am a free spirit. You cannot keep air in a box. I tell my friends I am like a wild stallion, roaming the earth and forging for food. Many people have tried to break me, but I doubt that it can happen.

As a result of my non domestication, I am on a mission.  I am going to spend the next 12 months accomplishing a list of domestic tasks that I've never done or refuse to do. Every month I will go on a "Fiscal Fast", not spending any money outside of gas and groceries for 1.5 weeks.

Please follow my journey of finding my balance, chi and inner domestic goddess.