Saturday, July 11, 2015

Cooking Challenge

courtesy of
I am currently an unemployed full-time graduate student. How exciting is that? The only thing planned about this situation was the grad school. I am taking advantage of this opportunity to the fullest. Therefore, I decided I will fully immerse myself into becoming the "Domestic Goddess" that I am yearning for.

Two days ago, I stepped into a book store seeking some inspiration. Being on a tight budget I step into the "Bargain Section". 
Low and behold I find a cookbook. A $7.95 cookbook. An bright red, Epicurious cookbook.

I follow them on Twitter and Instagram, so I was excited to see what was behind that red cover.
Feeling inspired, I was compelled to purchase. Knowing that some of the recipes could be complex, I  needed to challenge myself.

Starting Monday, July 13, 2015 I will start with one random recipe a week. I may even invite a lucky few to taste test.