Saturday, July 11, 2015

Cooking Challenge

courtesy of
I am currently an unemployed full-time graduate student. How exciting is that? The only thing planned about this situation was the grad school. I am taking advantage of this opportunity to the fullest. Therefore, I decided I will fully immerse myself into becoming the "Domestic Goddess" that I am yearning for.

Two days ago, I stepped into a book store seeking some inspiration. Being on a tight budget I step into the "Bargain Section". 
Low and behold I find a cookbook. A $7.95 cookbook. An bright red, Epicurious cookbook.

I follow them on Twitter and Instagram, so I was excited to see what was behind that red cover.
Feeling inspired, I was compelled to purchase. Knowing that some of the recipes could be complex, I  needed to challenge myself.

Starting Monday, July 13, 2015 I will start with one random recipe a week. I may even invite a lucky few to taste test.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Is using a Crock-Pot cheating?

I like the idea of having a delicious meal and not having to stand over the stove all day.

I relish in the thought that you can have a meal finishing while you're stuck in rush hour traffic. But, is this cheating on my quest to be become domesticated?

There are so many one pot, "Dump Recipes" recipes out floating around. They make it so easy to just "dump" every ingredient in the Crock-Pot and relax.

Does standing over a stove make you a better cook? Does your food lack love and creativity if you use one pot versus three?

Monday, January 12, 2015

Inspired To Make My Favorite Soup...Tomato Bisque

Last Wednesday I stopped by my favorite little spot, Westegg Cafe,  to pick up my beloved caramel cake. While I was there, I couldn't help but ask what was the "Soup de Jour"? The answer? Tomato Bisque! My eyes got bigger than they already are. My heart sank and my stomach began dancing with anticipation.

Of course, I already knew what the cake tasted like. I was just waiting to taste the soup. The soup was well seasoned, creamy and had a little kick and the end of each spoonful. The soup was great and inspired me to make my own tomato bisque.

Turns out, it is easier than I thought. I made a pot tonight. I will be eating soup for lunch and dinner for the rest of the week.

Saturday, January 10, 2015

It Does Not Come Natural

Libras, are the least domesticated of all the zodiac signs. Cancer being the most, maternal. I have to go the extra mile to make my laundry smell like my mothers. I have yet to master her perfect folding technique. She folds so well, you don't need to iron...ever.

I adore great food, great wine an great company. I just wish I could provide it without going to someone else's restaurant. I mean, I would like to entertain, more like learn to entertain like the pros. 

So, if you follow me on Pinterest, you will see my domestic aspirations. 2015 they will be put into practice.  Follow my Pinterest Board "Being Domestic"

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Should I stay or should I go?

These past few months have been trying. I go to work then the gym and back home to a dismal condo building.
As soon as I turn the key in the door a smile returns back to my face. Is it better to be spectacular on the inside or outside?

Thursday, August 21, 2014

The Jungle Book

I have been dreaming of a garden where I can sit and lounge with a couple of tea or a glass of wine by my lonesome or with a friend. We would relax and chat about our days. It would be an extension of my abode.

The only negative thing is I could only have one friend over at a time. The space is really small. Plus, I have a couple of tenants sharing that space.

Ironically enough, they are properly named "Black and Yellow Garden Spider"

Thursday, July 31, 2014

The Color Choice

I am beyond giddy with joy. In about 2 hours…(thank you ATL traffic) I will see the results of my bathroom makeover. I wanted to share some before photos with you all.

You will now begin to empathize with me at disgust I feel every time I go into that space.
I have been contemplating this color choice for a while. As in true Libran form, I was vacillating between a hint of pink or more of a golden color.

The WINNER…310D-4 Gold Buff!